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YWOBB & Joytoy World & Wars Model's Double 11 Promotion

YWOBB & Joytoy World & Wars Model's Double 11 Promotion

Loy Chen |

Hi, dear friends

Hope everything is fine for your family. Christmas 2022 is coming and and hope everything gets better.

Now we had decided to do a promotion for Double 11 and hope you can get all products you want for Christmas gifts. While this isn't a huge discount, a big thank you for your long-term support and help!

The discount code works for 6% price off for the all products on our 3 websites:

Yourwobb and JOYTOY World discount code is: YWOBB & JW & WM Double 11

Wars Model discount code isYWOBB

It works from UTC 1st Nov 0:00 AM to 12th Nov 0:00 AM

About the friends who ordered before promotion ( order placed from 24th to 31th Oct ), just pls email our service your order number, we'll supply you a 6% discount code then you can use it anytime in the future.

Wish you have a nice day !!

Best Regards

Your World of Building Blocks

Joytoy World

Wars Model